Administrative Team


Chris Davis BR

Mr. Chris Davis - Principal
Ext. 102

I began my career in education as a social studies teacher in Edenton-Chowan Schools. I later moved to Carteret County, where I continued teaching social studies at Croatan. I hold a bachelor's degree from East Carolina University and a master's from UNC Wilmington. 

Later, I moved into administration, assuming the role of Assistant Principal at Croatan for three years. In the 22-23 school year, I moved to East Carteret.

I was appointed as Principal of Croatan in May of 2023. Returning to this esteemed institution, I am excited about the opportunity to serve and lead this community. I am excited to continue Croatan's culture of excellence, where exceeding expectations is not just a goal, but a way of life.

I am happily married to my wife, Katie, who was also a social studies teacher, and we have two sons, Chandler and Cal. You will probably see them running around the field or gym, cheering on the Cougars. 

My unwavering commitment to fostering excellence, providing a nurturing environment, and empowering students to exceed their expectations help me feel even more at home in Carteret County and I am excited to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await at Croatan.


Ms. Kalen Biggers - Assistant Principal
Ext. 103

Welcome to CHS! 

On behalf of our staff, welcome to Croatan High School. We are sincerely honored to play a small, but significant role in your education. It is education that unlocks doors, and we stand ready to help you turn the keys in these locks.

Our school has been acknowledged by the state as a leader, a trendsetter in education. The accolades have been many and frequent; however, we have never lost sight of our mission -- to prepare students to be productive citizens. This is an awe-inspiring challenge, but one we proudly and honorably accept.

Croatan High School is not a place, but an experience. This year, it's important to continue to make your experience the best it can be.  Get involved in the various opportunities and activities that our school offers to maximize your time here. These activities make the high school memories that stay with you forever. Get to know your teachers, coaches, and support staff. We are all here to help you navigate this time in your life.

During your time at Croatan, the standards for academic excellence will be high and without compromise. Your teachers will not accept mediocrity, as this will deter the mission of productive citizenry. Your teachers are driven to provide you with the best possible lessons utilizing the most up-to-date methodology and enhancing instruction with technology. Their challenge to you is simply come to class prepared to learn and prepared for any challenge.

Dig in those Cougar Claws and get ready for another journey of learning, laughing, and living. Enjoy every minute and make every second count.


Chuck O'Neal

Mr. Chuck O'Neal - Assistant Principal
Ext. 104

My name is Chuck O’Neal and I am super excited to be the assistant principal at Croatan High School.  I am completing my 24th year in education this year and I am super excited to be part of the Cougar family. Upon receiving a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with a minor in math from UNC-Wilmington in 2001, I began my education career teaching 3rd grade in Rockingham County and coaching middle school soccer and volleyball.  After teaching 3rd grade for 7 years, gaining math certifications in 6-9, and 9-12 and a Master's in Math education, I moved to Rockingham County High School in 2008 to teach math and coach varsity soccer and volleyball for 5 years.

In the summer of 2013, I moved my wife, two daughters, and 6 dogs to Carteret County, taught math at East Carteret High School and received a Master's in school administration. In 2017, to have experience at all levels, I moved to Beaufort Middle School to teach 8th-grade math, Math 1, and build their soccer program. Not knowing my stay there would be so short, but in January 2018, I accepted a position at West Carteret High School as an Assistant Principal.  I was the assistant principal at WCHS for 5 years.  Then moved to Beaufort Elementary as the AP there for 2 years.     

Thank you for the opportunity to serve our students, staff, families, and community members in the role of assistant principal at Croatan.  

Angela Werhner

Ms. Angela Werhner - Assistant Principal
Ext. 115

Welcome Cougars, I am so excited to be serving on your administrative team. I started my education journey in 2014 teaching Family and Consumer Sciences in Onslow County Schools. I moved to Croatan in 2017 teaching Business, Marketing and FCS. I hold a bachelor's degree in Business Management and soon a Master's degree in School Administration from East Carolina University.

I am originally from Southern California, but have made North Carolina my home since 2014 and absolutely love it. I have been happily married for twenty years and have three amazing children, one who graduated from Croatan last year and one that will be a junior this year. We also have two adorable dogs that complete our family. 

I look forward to continuing to serve the students and community that I love. Helping our students grow and succeed is my top priority. I will see you at games, shows, or in the halls. Let's have a great year Cougars!